Monday, November 15, 2010


Glaciers and ice sheets affect and are affected by the Earth's climate change.  They are fresh frozen-fresh water reservoirs that change size when the temperature changes and the amount of snowfall they get.  They are the also the most sensitive indicators of climate change on Earth, growing when the climate cools and shrinking when the climate gets warmer.  But, in the last couple of decades all the glaciers have done is shrink drastically.  One main cause of this is the constant increase in our climate.

For a video showing many different Glaciers and how they shrunk click---->


  1. Are there any other known causes that make glaciers shrink or grow?

  2. I agree with you that global warming is effecting the glacier. The water levels have gone up quite a bit in the last 50 years. I think that climate change is the number one cause for the melting of the glaciers and the rise in sea levels.

  3. What are the ways we could help to decrease shrinking of the glaciers and how fast are they melting?

  4. If our earth is continuing to warm, will the glaciers eventually dissapear all together? And if they do, how many ecosystems and animals will be effected?

  5. We as people definitely need to realize that we contribute a huge amount to the recent climate change. Are there certain places where it's being affected more than in other areas?

  6. What is indicated by the movement of these glaciers as they melt/shrink? Also, the movement of these glaciers, which result from the melting of them, is, sometimes, beneficial to the environment because it allows primary succession to take place producing new habitats and life in that area that could not have survived there prior to the glaciers being melted (Succession - Primary Succession).

  7. Brian H, yes there are other causes that make the glaciers grow and shrink. For example, orbital variation is where the earth's orbit changes very slightly, it can change the climate in some areas very drastically.

  8. What happens to the wildlife that is already living there Robbie? They die off. So what you are saying is that you are willing to kill off the animals who are currently living there to replace other animals. By the way, the majority of those animals living up there right now are on the endangered species list; the polar bear; arctic fox; gray wolf.

  9. Jordan, there are many things we can do to slow down the melting of these glaciers, since humans have the biggest impact on them. One thing we could do is stop using fossil fuels that produce "green house gases." If we did that and started using renewable energies that would slow down most of the glaciers melting. But there are some things we can't control. Also the glaciers are melting at a constantly rapid pace, we need to do something now

  10. I agree, glaciers are bad...but how do we stop them from shrinking? is it really human life causing it or is it happening naturally with global warming? we play a huge role in global warming but truthfully i think we are only slowing down the process of what is already inevitable.

  11. Kristin, if the glaciers melted completely, every ecosystem would be affected. The sea level would rise which could potentially kill all coral reefs because coral reefs need the sunlight to survive and if the sea level keeps rising then the sunlight that the coral reefs are getting now will diminish. Also there would be floods from all the glaciers water that would be released, and even droughts would occur.

  12. Aaron, I agree using renewable energies could help, but would be able to change everyone over before we lose our glaciers completely?

  13. Meryl, yes there are certain places being affected more than others by glaciers melting. A couple would be North America and Europe, where unexpected heat waves and storms caused by the shifting climate ruins crops and caused serious financial losses on farmers. And one more would be

  14. Rob H. like Rob M. stated before there are endangered wildlife living on and around these shrinking glaciers, are you trying to say that the wildlife that lives there now isn't as important as the wildlife that would live there once the glaciers completely melted? You say it would allow primary succession, your right it would but if the glaciers melt we will lose many arctic animals.

  15. Brian P, I feel the same way you do about natural global warming, that it's inevitable, but humans are speeding up this process. The glaciers would melt over time anyway but we are helping them along at a much faster pace.

  16. I agree with Rob. There is no way that the moving glaciers are very beneficial. Like Rob said, many of the animals living around the glaciers are endangered already, and the moving glaciers are not making it any easier on them. The fact that the glaciers are melting so much is not good at all, this just shows that the world is heating up, and if they do not re-freeze, then some day they could melt away completely. Robbie, what kind of new habitats are you talking about that the moving glaciers will create?
