Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Volcanic Eruptions.

Most people think that volcanic eruptions would heat the Earth up dramatically but that isn't true. When a volcano erupts it throws out large amounts of sulphur dioxide (SO2), water vapour, dust, and ash into the air. Large amounts of gases and ash can change climates in certain regions for years by increasing planetary reflectivity causing atmospheric cooling. Tiny particles called aerosols are produced by volcanoes. Because they reflect sunlight back into space they have a cooling effect on the world. So there are still somethings that happen on earth that actually cool the earth instead of heating it. The greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide is also produced however the CO2 put into the air by volcanic eruptions is insignificant when compared to emissions created by humans.

Site used:(http://www.climatechangechallenge.org/Resource%20Centre/Climate-Change/3-what_causes_climate_change.htm#1.)


  1. Aaron, I did not realize that volcanoes don't actually heat up the earth it's the things they release into the atmosphere. Thats very interesting.

  2. That is very good to know. But when it erupts is it toxic for people to breath in? that is something you should have but on there. And also with the dust in the air harm the people living around it?

  3. Can the heat caused by the base of the volcano effect the area in anyway, even if it doesn't heat up the earth?

  4. That's interesting that volcanoes actually help cool the earth down. Regardless the pollution can't be good for people, breathing in sulphur and ash can't be healthy

  5. Ashlee,the sulfur and ash is very harmful to breath in, and the area around the volcano is usually coated with ash after the eruption takes place.

  6. With all the talk over global warming, I forgot that there are still things in our earth that can cool it. What global effects does a cooling climate have?

  7. That is pretty cool that volcanoes can actually cool the earth. But when a volcano erupts it also will produce a lot of ash. This can be bad for anyone living near the volcano because the ash falls quickly and in large amounts. volcanic ash makes it hard to breathe and will suffocate people. Just for an example, the city of Pompeii was covered in 10 feet of ash.

  8. That's pretty amazing that volcanoes cool the earth, I never would've guessed that they did that.

  9. Even though it cools down the earth are the ash and water vapors that are being released any good?

  10. Kristen, The effects of global cooling depends on how much the earth cools, if it cools a little bit then that would be a good thing, but if we saw a dramatic global cooling then the would be disastrous.

  11. site used on previous comment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_cooling

  12. I did not know that it didn't warm the earth up. Who would of thought? This was interesting to know

    Ashlee: Yes it is bad to breath in.
